Do you struggle with finding engaging reading passages with a focus on phonics for upper elementary? If you've been looking for a way your students can practice phonics skills while reading independently, these passages are for you! Phonics Passages allow students to identify and focus on a phonics skill while answering multiple choice and short answer questions.
How can Phonics Passages be used?
- As a mentor text during whole group lesson on the specific phonics skill being taught
- In small guided reading groups
- In a comprehension center
- As independent practice after a phonics lesson
- Use as a homework review
- Practice for taking standardized tests
Each passage is professionally leveled using Lexile, Fountas and Pinell, Accelerated Reader, DRA and grade level equivalents. This allows the teacher to differentiate instruction meeting the needs of each individual student.
Check out what these extremely satisfied customers said
- I love working with phonics with my students, it helps them a lot when it comes to pronunciation, spelling, vocab and so much more! These passages are fantastic for this. With all the different activities, students have to be able to pronounce the words, understand the text, identify the words, and practice comprehension! The illustrations are the perfect complement to the story, as it not only helps students understand the story, it also gives me an excuse to get my students to speak about the story! As usual, this resource follows Jen's usual style: no frills, straight to the point, rigorous, challenging, and engaging! I really can't ask for more!
- I have a class of students with tons of learning gaps- they haven't had a normal school year since Kindergarten. They are missing basic phonics and word analysis skills. I wanted a way to work with them on these skills without it being too “babyish.” These are great!
Pair these Phonics Passages with Phonics Lessons for the ultimate way to explicitly teach phonics during reader's workshop. These lessons include daily schedules and word lists for students that correspond with the phonetic sound being taught.

To help you get ready for the school year, check out the newest product, Phonics Assessments.

Jen will be giving 4 different live webinars to show you how to quickly assess the reading level of every student at the beginning of the year using these products. Sign up today and join us!
Phonics Passages can be paired with Balanced Readers after quickly assessing reading level to get students engaged right away. Find out more about Balanced Readers here: Balanced Readers blog post