Free Reading Comprehension Lessons!
How about a little quiz?
- Do you teach reading in grades 2-6? yes no
- Do you teach a reading skill to your class one day, and they totally forget it the next day? yes no
- Do you struggle seeing students transition what they learned in a lesson to their own independent work? yes no
- Have you wondered if there is a better system to get kids mastering reading skills? yes no
If you said yes to any of these questions then keep reading!
It's one thing to teach a mini lesson with a comprehension skill and move on.
It's a totally different thing to follow a systematic, best practice approach to teaching reading comprehension skill!
Try 5 Lessons for Free!
If you would like to try out the following steps to teach skills to mastery then click the banner below!
***In the free download, you'll receive 5 lessons that include all of the above steps.
There is one lesson for each skill in this free download:
- Summarizing
- Understanding Characters
- Inferring
- Cause and Effect
- Metacognition
I hope you enjoy your free lessons!
Happy Teaching!