Are you a teacher that struggles with something for your students to do when they come to school first thing in the morning? Do your students come in gradually and do you need something for them to do while you are busy taking attendance and beginning your day? I have a solution for you. Daily Reading Morning Work can help you establish a routine for your students while building reading comprehension skills, growth mindset skills that build empathy, and learning about diversity.

What is Daily Reading Morning Work and How Can It Help?
Daily Reading Morning Work is an original short story that is set up to be completed over the course of a week. Each story starts on Day 1 and the story continues the next day for a total of 5 days. The stories are engaging and focus on a social-emotional skill each week, which makes for great discussions. There is also a reading comprehension skill with an “I Can” statement that students will be focusing on for the week. After reading the story, students will answer 2 multiple choice questions and a short answer question. A challenge question is provided each day that will help them extend their writing skills. Answer keys are included.
How Can I Use Daily Reading Morning Work?
• Bell work at the beginning of the school day.
• As a warm-up to reading during your reading workshop.
• Use them as ‘exit slips’ at the end of the school day or reading workshop.• Place them in a literacy center for comprehension.
• In guided reading as a quick warm-up to the lesson.
• Send them home for extra practice and support!
• Have students work in partners or small groups to complete the daily work.
• Use them for tutoring.

What grade is Daily Reading Morning Work For?
Daily Reading Morning Work is offered for multiple grades. There is a 1st-grade set, a 2nd-3rd grade set, a 4th-5th grade set, and a 6th-8th grade set. You can purchase each individual set, which will last you for 20 days. Purchase the money-saving year-long bundle that will cover 10 months or 200 days. There are many different formats available. They can be printed on a half sheet of paper, a full sheet of paper, double-sided, black and white, or color. You can also assign them digitally, so there are many options for you to choose from.

Try a Free Week of Daily Morning Work
If you're looking for a quick review of comprehension skills, then this is a great opportunity for you to try a free week of daily reading morning work!
Check it out on TpT now! Daily Reading Morning Work
For further information, check out this blog post, A Free Week of Morning Work